The Project Manager will receive no compensation from the Crowdfunding Campaign.
The Software Development Manager will receive no compensation from the Crowdfunding Campaign.
Office Space has been Subsidized by the Government of Alberta and Innovate Calgary.
All funds received from the Crowdfunding Campaign will go directly towards creating the New GNS3 Software. The majority of the funds will go towards hiring a full time developer to work along side our Software Development Manager and Project Manager. This cost will be $5000 per month, which is the average price for a Python Developer in the city of Calgary.
The second cost is our Lab Creation Team. This equals $3500 per month. This team has been sourced from our own GNS3 community and will work full time on creating Labs for the current and new version of GNS3.
The third cost is for a quality UI developer who will work on the online interface for the new GNS3 software. We have budgeted three months at $6000 per month. This is lower than average wage for a UI developer in the city of Calgary.
File Hosting and Server costs are for the secure storage and retrieval of the new GNS3 software. This will be where Early Access members will be able to download the software.

This timeline is based on achieving our fundraising goal. With one full time Python Developer, we will be able to develop one key feature at a time. This will be determined by our Early Release Group. We have budgeted 3 months per feature to build, implement, test, and refine. Details on the features can be found below.
If we beat our Goal, we will be able to hire more developers. The more developers we have, the more projects we can have on the go at the same time.
If we receive additional funding, it will go towards the creation of GNS3 Training products as well as a full time support team.
Duration from Start to finish is planned to be 12 months.
Switching has been a feature that GNS3 users have been long waiting for. GNS3, as of right now, has limited Switching functionality. New technology that we are implementing into GNS3 will allow us to incorporate approximately 90% of switching features.
Some features are technologically impossible to emulate.
Using the new technology, we will be able to allow GNS3 users to easily access switching functionality.
Switching has been proven within our current and new software systems and will be ready for release in February.
On Demand Cloud Processing
GNS3 is often limited by to computer/laptop it is running in. This can be a problem when working with larger topologies or wanting to make quick updates to existing networks. We are able to mitigate these limitations by connecting to high quality Cloud Services like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Services.
This technology has been proven in both our old and our new versions, but incorporating cloud technologies into the current GNS3 is complicated and time consuming.
We currently have Two Major and One Minor method to incorporating Cloud Tech into GNS3. We will be consulting with our Early Release Members to figure out what is the best approach for our user base.
Development of this functionality will be done with our new Python Developer as well as our Software Project Manager.
Hassle Free Configuration
This is something we are most proud of working towards. While there are a couple of variables we are working out – if we succeed at this – it means that our users will no longer have to supply their own IOS images or other network licenses.
We are currently working with many top network and network augmenting companies to incorporate more hardware and tools into GNS3.
Once this is completed, we will also have an Online User Interface in which anyone will be able to quickly make configurations right from their web browser. This is a project that can be split into stages (development and implementation) as we make more partner deals with networking companies.
The technology has been proven for this, we are just working out the legality issues for partnership deals.
A UI Developer, along with our Python Developer and Software Project Manager will develop this.
Labs and Training
GNS3 wants to be your All-In-One training tool. With our training and labs, you will be able to get both the theoretical and the practical side of training for your network certifications.
Currently we are building out our team who will create training labs full time for all network certifications compatible with GNS3.
If we reach our stretch goals, we will be able to create a full training platform with videos, labs, and tutorials for those training for network certifications.
This will be developed by the Lab Creation Team and the Project Manager.
3rd Party Software Integration
GNS3 will be a framework in which you will be able to integrate a multitude of different 3rd Party software tools into it. Imagine being able to monitor your current network while modeling future expansions through our emulations all while discovering ways to optimize your network.
This is what we want for GNS3. An All-in-One tool that can service the various needs of a multitude of roles.
This is dependent on partnerships within the networking community and will be an on going process.
If we reach our goal of raising $35,000, we will have enough capital to successfully complete the launch of the new software within one years time. The remaining funds needed for the project will come from Government and Educational Institutions. The funds raised in the Campaign will be matched by these entities allowing us to complete the project. Additional funding will shorten the launch cycle while also increasing the amount of extra features we can include within GNS3 or supplement the use of GNS3.
If you are interested in getting Early Access to the New GNS3 software and want to contribute, please visit http://new.gns3.net
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